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All parents will be expected to register their child as members of the South West Tigers Junior Triathlon Club prior to attending. This club is registered with the BTF and carries the insurance cover we need to hire facilities. There will be no charge for club membership and registration is to ensure they are covered by the club framework and that we know of any medical or other factors of which we should be aware and have parent contact information. If interested in joining, please complete the application form from the button below.



Please note that by registering you are agreeing to the Parents Charter and also confirming that your child can swim the appropriate distances as show below:


The young athletes must be confident in the water and as a minimum be able to swim front crawl (freestyle) at least 100m continuously – and be capable of swimming for a 40-minute training session. We must be firm on this point as it is a condition of our insurance and pool hire that we only allow competent swimmers as defined above. For our sessions the pool is set up for club swimming which is a single lifeguard and 2m depth throughout and 25m long so not appropriate for nervous or poor swimmers.

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